ConstructSim Planner CONNECT Edition Update 5 Help

To Create a Cut in a Solid Using an Element as the Profile

  1. Select the Cut Solids by Curves tool.
  2. (Optional) To retain the cut portion, turn on Split Solid.
  3. Select the solid to cut.
  4. Select the cutting element.

    An arrow(s) indicates the direction of the cut.

  5. Accept to complete the cut.

    Using a closed planar element as a cutting profile to create a cut in a solid. | Top Left: Select the solid (1) and the cutting profile (2). | Top Right: Accept (3) to create the cut. Front views show the solid and cutting profile (left) and the completed cut (right).

    Where open elements are used as cutting profiles, they must extend at least to the edge of the solid as shown here in the front view (bottom left). Additionally, the identification point for the solid (1) determines which part of the solid is retained.

    When Split Solid is on, the solid is split into segments by the cutting profile.